Import & Export
We import basic foodstuff, soft drinks, juices, sweets, chocolates, smoked salmon and tuna, canned food: vegetables and fruit, cleaners and detergents … etc. Lately, U.O.Co. Has expanded its business to include not only importing, but also exporting goods to the Middle East, Asia, the United States of America, and Europe.
Concerning Exporting, U.O.Co. has got excellent control over the shipping process: handling, packing, and shipping from port to the required destination, and this is due to the long experience of the company’s founder, Mr. Mohamed Mahfouz, in this field since 1992.For such, Mr. Mohamed has established a highly qualified department that keeps a close eye, analyses, follows up, and supervises the exporting process.
We export Egyptian goods, like: basic foodstuff, all kinds of drinks, juices, canned food, textiles, car spark plugs (pouges), legumes … etc. As such, we select more fine quality products using company potentials.
Worth mentioning, We are proud of importing from and exporting to more than fifteen countries all over the world: UAE, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Libya, Sudan, Sypris, USA, Norway, Russia, Argentina, china, Austria, Germany, Mexico, England, Spain, Italy, Greece, and Romania.